In Portland, we used to have bears in our parks. Not zoos. Parks.
In Portland, we used to have bears in our parks. Not zoos. Parks.
Here are a couple more images from the anti-war protest in Portland in 1932.
It turns out that Portland has always had protests. This one is an anti-war protest from 1932.
Free app idea: AppleTV app that shows the Podcast discover feed and lets you play directly from there.
UINavigationController is one of the absolute worst design paradigms in UIKit. There are so many different ways it could have been implemented.
Super Blood Wolf Moon is my indie band name.
I get messages.
Straight up racism. As the father of a teen boy, I cannot tell you how unbelievably angry this makes me at the parents of these young men.…
In case you missed it, we released Snippets: an open source micro-blogging API today:…
It supports iOS, OSX and tvOS, and I really hope people will tinker with it and make something unexpected! (Yes, tvOS! The sample app has a tvOS target!!!)