Finished reading: The Ghost Brigades by John Scalzi 📚

Blazers are 9 of the last 10, have won 5 in a row, and were the best defense in the entire NBA during that stretch. Tonight we simply embarrassed a very good Pacers team on the second night of a back to back. I’m feeling something I haven’t felt in a long time…

I barely know what to say. 8 wins out of the last 9 games, and an overtime thriller to cap it off. The kids are all right my friends. The kids are all right.

Back at it again today. 🏃

The original Albina Press appears to be fairly unchanged since they opened. It’s an older, but comfortable space with a decent amount of seating. Their coffee is spot on, however, which must be one of the reasons they have survived over the years. I would definitely recommend if you’re in the area.

Where is Michael Stipe when you need him?

I guess the tank is over? Blazers are now 7 of their last 8… 🏀

Look what I made for breakfast!

Located in the Alberta Arts district, Proud Mary straddles the line between restaurant and coffee shop. It’s pricey compared to most coffee shops in Portland, but the coffee and baked goods are top notch. Unfortunately, the ambiance doesn’t lend itself to remote work, but boy is the coffee good!

The Blazers have very quietly now won 5 of their last 6. Their only loss (understandably) coming against OKC. Between the frenetic ball of offensive energy known as Deni Advija and the emerging defense of Toumani Camara, you can start to see the outline of the Blazers’ future coming into view.

To the people who think I over-exaggerate how bad of a coach Chauncey is, here is the league data on successful coaches challenges.

I felt unusually good today. No idea why. I’ll take my wins where I can get them! 🏃

So I am trying a Garmin watch to try and get better with my running, and folks let me just tell you that I now see how much the Apple Watch sucks. The Garmin does everything that I used my Apple Watch for, but has a multi-week battery life. Oh and also it looks like a watch. We have been duped!

Dominayton indeed.

When I used to play Counter-Strike, I would occasionally find myself on a server with some adolescent idiot that thought it was hilarious to sit at their own spawn site and take out their own teammates as they respawned.

That’s who Elon reminds me of.