One of Silverpine’s clients is launching in a few weeks and to help hype it they are having events in the real world. The latest one was a pop-up art show where all the “exhibits” were free to take home.

My son made a game for his friends and I’m getting Cones of Dunshire vibes. Everything in this shot is a part of the game. Even the other games. 🤯 Much laughter from his friends so I’d say it was a success.

Sneak preview of a little something I’ve been working on…

My Play Date arrived while I was gone! Woohoo!!!

Mount Constitution on Orcas Island. Amazing view.

Watching the WWDC keynote, I’m personally very excited for the new fitness features on the Watch. I will use those a lot.

After about 105 miles of running, I’ve finally finished reading: Dune by Frank Herbert 📚

I’ve never had New Zealand style ice cream before, but it was pretty amazing.