During the pandemic, we’ve been doing a family book club. Our latest selection was sold out at Powell’s and on Amazon so we are all reading on Kindle’s and iPads at the moment!

This is amazing.

  • I will update this post with artist credits once I figure out where it came from.

Olive has been hard at work on something new for you all!!!

With so many people considering working from home, I’ve been blogging about how we operate remotely at Silverpine. You can check out my latest entries at jonathanhays.me And if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I’m happy to help folks make this transition.

Challenger Princess Diana 9/11 Michael Jackson Kobe

I will vividly remember where I was when I heard about them.

My daughter’s magazine won a national award from Columbia University. Help support them because they are awesome, amazing kids that are making the world a better place:


Helping my daughter study for a high school biology quiz and keep coming across these inane types of passages in her textbook. Not only is this not even a fact (just a generalization) it is written so poorly as to be totally sleep inducing.

Went on a beautiful hike at Beacon Rock State Park.

Took a tapas cooking class today. It was 🔥🔥🔥