Snippets 0.0.8 has been released: a minor update that adds support for the poster url when publishing videos. The Cocoapod has been updated as well.
I learned today, that releasing lots of things at once is very hard. We’ve had video support brewing for a while now, and we thought we had tested things well, but there’s nothing like hitting production to test your assumptions! Bug fix releases are on the way!
Last night, we put the finishing touches on a BIG THING that we’ll be launching tomorrow.! Very excited… I hope you like it.
W00t! An app we (Silverpine) built for a client is now live in the App Store!!!!
Snippets framework 0.5.0 is now out, which includes a complete reference implementation of the JSON API.
If you’ve ever wanted to build your own app, feel free to steal this one!!!
Write your own client with only a little code! Or modify the sample app! iOS - CHECK! OSX - CHECK! tvOS - CHECK!
SnippetsFramework version 0.0.3 has just been released:…
pod ‘SnippetsFramework’