I highly recommend downloading your Facebook archive. One file you will find inside is:
This is a very surprising and alarming file, but definitely worth examining. Also, you really should shut down your account…
UUSwift 0.0.12 now released to the wild!
- New Date interfaces
- Support for HTTP forms
- Bug fixes
The Blazers continue to be terrible on the road which doesn’t bode well for 8 out of the next 9 games on the road coming up. 🏀😞
Today I learned that the Github Desktop app doesn’t support submodules. Are you serious?!?? #devworldissues
One of the highlights of my trip was sitting in a bar with @manton watching my Blazers 🏀 play with queso and a margarita in front of me…

If the universe is more or less an infinite sphere in shape, would future space travel refer to different areas as quadrants like in Star Trek? Would cubed mapping be efficient for a spherical domain? #notenoughcoffeetoday
Or like this @jeffmueller?

Like this @jeffmueller?

Free Micro.blog app idea: AppleTV Micro.blog app that shows the Podcast discover feed and lets you play directly from there.
UINavigationController is one of the absolute worst design paradigms in UIKit. There are so many different ways it could have been implemented.
Straight up racism. As the father of a teen boy, I cannot tell you how unbelievably angry this makes me at the parents of these young men. mashable.com/article/t…
In case you missed it, we released Snippets: an open source micro-blogging API today: github.com/microdotb…
It supports iOS, OSX and tvOS, and I really hope people will tinker with it and make something unexpected! (Yes, tvOS! The sample app has a tvOS target!!!)
UUSwift 0.0.11 with support for tvOS is now available: github.com/SilverPin…
New 0.0.5 release - UUSwift now supports both Mac and iOS github.com/SilverPin…