
Missing this place today.

Finished reading: Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr 📚

Really enjoyed this. Took a little while to get the multiple story lines straight, but it was ultimately very satisfying.

My heart breaks every time they leave. Why do we raise them just to send them away?

Some new Blazers swag!

I’m so incredibly excited about this!

Break is over. 😢

My friend was driving back to Arizona via California and sent me this. Fortunately the car was a rental and was swapped out easily.

Jello bunnies at dim sum today!


Glad to hear Jeremy Renner is out of the ICU, finally. Also, I apparently still have his app on my old iPad…

Piña colada at Eem… 🤤

Squish face

Excited for this to open.

Beauty in the storm

A pug’s day out…

What monster leaves this at a rental for people to use to grate cheese?!???

Unreal lighting this morning. Picture doesn’t really capture it but I tried anyway.

Happy 2023 from Olive and me!!!

Our New Year’s meal tradition…

Honestly, I think giant nutcrackers are kind of creepy.

Growing up, my father started two different perfume companies. This is an advertisement for the second of the two.

When I was growing up, my dad started not one, but TWO Oregon perfume companies. This is a brochure from the first one.

Year in books for 2022

Here are the books I finished reading in 2022.

Upgrade Dune Several People Are Typing The Anthropocene Reviewed Bossypants Into Thin Air

Everything is fine. Just fine.